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Home folder for students is /student/<user>
Most users are using Python for their jobs
Setup your environment, Python virtual environment/Anaconda and install in you home folder the necessary libraries for your project

When you are ready to send your job to the slurm queue, adjust the slurm command script
Slurm will put you on the queue, if all the resources you ask for are available you will go to Run(R) state, otherwise it will be Pending(Pd)

The slurm command script : sbatch

#SBATCH --account=studentYour user belongs to this group
#SBATCH --job-name=MyJobname of my job
#SBATCH –ntasks=2Number of job tasks per worker
#SBATCH –mem=4GJob wants 4gb on memory
#SBATCH –time=0Time limit on my job e.g. time=11::00 (11 hours), 0 means nolimit
#SBATCH –partition=LokaverkSend job to run this queue
#SBATCH --output=myBatch.logLog file for environment & slurm
python3 you put your run command after the directives

When you job need GPU add this line to you slurm cmd file
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=1
Note : We recommend all students in this 3-week-course run their GPU job for a short time, using “–time=hh:MM” slurm directive, so all jobs get some GPU time

Other slurm directives

#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2 : 2 cores per process/task
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4 : 4 procees per node/worker
Slurm sbatch

Tools and libraries installed

CUDA toolkit version 11,7
Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library

compute/step2.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/14 14:24 by