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How-To for beginners with examples

We recommend using , and this how-to is base on it, but other editors can also be used

1. Connecting with VScode

  1. Install Visual Studio Code on you computer
  2. In VSCode, select Remote-SSH: Connect to Host… from the [Command] Palette
  3. Connect with your user and pass, server is (user & pass you received in a email)
  4. Upon connecting VScode will start a setup process, this is normal
  5. Open your home directory and start working

2. Create your python virtual environment

Install your python virtual environment. This compute cluster is for multiple user, everyone has it's own python virtual environment, different version of python or modules. There are many Python virtual environment to choose from, in this example uses virtualenv


compute/begin.1733133391.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/02 09:56 by bjorns