===== Using GPU with python ===== Python offers some modules to communicate with a GPU\\ Both Tensorflow and Torch have been used on this cluster succesfully.\\ \\ An example setup using Python venv, run these commands :\\ \\ ''python3 -m venv myTorch''\\ ''source myTorch/bin/activate''\\ ''pip install torch''\\ \\ The new Python virtual environment has been created and activated, **torch** package installed\\ And the correct **CUDA library** is also installed\\ Please run a simple test with python code to make sure you can communicate with the GPU\\ One example command to test torch\\ ''if torch.cuda.is_available() print("GPU")'' \\ But you must run this code test with **sbatch**, send your job to the cluster\\ Create a python file dummy.py with the test-GPU command\\ \\ Update the sbatch script file, mine is called **oneJob.sh**\\ Remove lines below last #SBatch\\ Add 2 lines\\ ''source myTorch/bin/activate''\\ ''python3 dummy.py''\\ [SAVE]\\ Run the command ''sbatch oneJob.sh''\\ The response should be **Submitted batch job XXX**\\ Then check your log file (default name is myJob.log) for the result\\ \\ Installing Tensorflow is same process, we recommend using a different virtual environment if you want to try both of them\\ Make sure to instruct pip in this way, to get all necessary packages ''pip install "tensorflow[and-cuda]"''\\ \\ == Those version have also been used before and known to work == ^Module^Version^Python version^ |Tensorflow |2.17.0 |3.11.10 | |Torch |2.0.1 |3.9.7 | \\